Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Living Our Lives....With a Sense of Urgency

A response from a friend triggered some of what I am going to share. I believe we can all identify with the scenario I describe below.

An old friend of mine and I have said we would like to get together some time. We would both like to get a cup of coffee and catch up a bit. A challenge friends some times face is transitioning intent into action. In this example, the challenge we face is to make this meeting actually happen. There are times in life it becomes easy to let good intentions remain just that...good intentions. There is nothing wrong with that. Our lives are fuller when good intentions are fully realized though. As I told this friend earlier, we will make this meeting happen.

Other recent events shaped this piece as well. The Chardon High School shootings have affected entire communities directly and indirectly. In my small corner of the world, I know two sets of parents that had children in school that morning. I cannot begin to understand what each of these friends, and their families, went through that morning...or what they continue to go through. It warms my heart to see how Chardon, and surrounding communities, have rallied to help one another begin the healing process.

Another recent event hit "close to home" quite literally. It was revealed that a very troubled man lived in our condo complex. This man took the life of another before taking his own life. If we stepped outside of the garage we could look at this man's condo. The community mailbox was just a matter of feet from the windows of this man's home. For a day or two it was a challenge to feel safe...even while at home.

Events like these lead me to be quite reflective of late. I find that I ask myself the following questions on a regular basis:

+ Am I making a difference in "my world" and in the lives of those around me?
+ Am I living life with an appropriate sense of urgency?

The answers to these questions are important. I believe these questions are never going to have concrete answers though. I believe re-visiting these question frequently can be just as important as the answers themselves.

There are days I "measure up" so-to-speak. There are other days I may fall short. I do my best to "act" according to where I am with things at that given point in time.

To close, the most important thought darting through my mind is this - none of us is promised tomorrow. Are we truly living our lives with that thought in mind? Are we placing an appropriate sense of urgency in how we live our how we love those around us? Are we truly grateful for the blessings in our lives? These are not easy questions. I believe a great deal of insight can be gained by reflecting on the answers though.

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